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追求真知 兼容并包 独立开放


大学沙龙起步于2015年,注册地是剑桥市剑桥街1709 号,是在麻州政府登记的公益组织。首任主席是哈佛大学傅高义教授,现任主席是哈佛大学宋怡明教授。




Bridging Minds, Connecting Worlds

The University Forum was founded in 2015 and is duly registered with the Commonwealth of Massachusetts as a nonprofit organization. The official registered address is 1709 Cambridge Street, Cambridge, MA. 

The inaugural chairperson was the late Professor Ezra Vogel from Harvard University, and the current chairperson is Professor Michael Szonyi from Departments of History and East Asian Languages and Civilizations and the Former Director of Harvard’s Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies.

The University Forum is dedicated to establishing a charitable organization that provides a premier Chinese-language international academic platform. 

Rooted at Harvard, we contemplate the big issues and intersection of the world and China.

大学沙龙创始主席:傅高义(英语:Ezra Feivel Vogel,1930年7月11日—2020年12月20日),美国哈佛大学社会科学院荣休教授(Henry Ford II Professor of the Social Sciences Emeritus at Harvard University),精通日文,能说汉语,著有多部关于中国、日本和亚洲研究的著作。曾在俄亥俄卫斯里昂大学和哈佛大学学习,并于1958年获得哈佛大学博士学位。他在1967年至2000年间于哈佛大学任教,曾担任哈佛大学费正清东亚研究中心主任,亦曾在 1992 年至 2015 年间出任香港中文大学中国研究服务中心的国际顾问委员会主席。

大学沙龙现任主席:宋怡明教授 (Michael A. Szonyi),现为哈佛大学东亚语言文明系中国历史学教授,前费正清研究中心主任,明清及中国近代社会史学家。擅于利用历史人类学和田野调查方法研究中国东南地区的社会史,目前正致力研究明朝军户的历史。宋怡明教授早年于加拿大多伦多大学获得学士学位,其後又在英国牛津大学攻读博士。期间他先後到台湾大学以及厦门大学访学。其著作包括Practicing Kinship: Lineage and Descent in Late Imperial China (实行家族:明清家族组织研究) (2002) 与 Cold War Island: Quemoy on the Front Line (冷战岛:处于前线的金门) (2008)。

  • Our mission is encapsulated in the “relentless pursuit of truth, akin to one’s unwavering commitment to quench one’s thirst and enduring until the end of our days.”
  • Our guiding principles include “scholarly autonomy, an unwavering dedication to academic freedom and intellectual independence, and the fostering of diverse perspectives.”
  • We treasure an ethos of “illuminating the path of outstanding scholars, casting them in the spotlight, and allowing their intellectual brilliance to shine resplendently.”


致谢 Our Sincerest Gratitude






1709 Cambridge Street, Cambridge, MA. 

With deep gratitude, we acknowledge Harvard University for providing us with a nurturing environment and unwavering support, allowing us to flourish and grow freely in an academic environment. A special note of appreciation also goes to the Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies for its consistent and substantial support, which has been instrumental to our endeavors.
Our heartfelt thanks extend to the countless experts and scholars from over a dozen countries and regions worldwide who have generously contributed as guest speakers, sharing their knowledge and insights during our academic sessions.
We owe a profound debt of gratitude to the dedicated volunteers who have selflessly served on our executive team, ensuring our ongoing success through their tireless efforts.
We express our gratitude to the tens of thousands of attendees and the numerous supporters who have been a source of motivation, encouragement, and inspiration to us during each of our over two hundred sessions during the past eight-plus years.
Special recognition goes to the visionary entrepreneurs whose generous sponsorship has been a driving force behind our endeavors. University Forum: Rooted in Harvard, contemplating China, and reaching globally. Join us as we carve out fresh narratives in this dynamic era.

a 501(c)3 Non-profit Organization 


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